We are currently only offering Chinese Ringneck Cocks and Hens. However, we will consider other breeds depending on our customer needs.
Chinese Ringneck
The Chinese Ringneck is the most popular of breeds. This pheasant is used primarily for stocking and hunting. These hardy birds adapt readily to the wild and are prized by sportsmen for their excellent flying ability and brilliant colors. Prime habitat consists of 55-70 % crop fields such as corn, soybean, or small grains. The remainder of the habitat should include some wetlands, grassland, and woodland or brushy thicket.
The Ring-necked Pheasant adult male (top) has a long, barred tail, iridescent coloration, white collar, and bright red face patch. The adult female (bottom) also has a relatively long and strongly barred tail, but she has a dull, mottled brown back and buff-colored breast. Adult males range from 30 to 36 inches in length and average 2.9 pounds in weight; adult females range from 21 to 25 inches in length and average 2.1 pounds in weight.